Rachelle Show: "Best is Yet To Come"

 On a casual Monday afternoon, I had the chance to sit and speak with a talented up and coming vocalist, Rachelle Show. Both of us sitting in a cafe in the midst of the busy streets of Toronto, there was nothing distracting us in the midst of our in-depth interview. Considering Show hasn't done many interviews yet, her confidence by the way she spoke so eloquently made me think she's done this her whole lifetime. Coming from a solid musical background, Show's late father was a singer/entertainer that has won Juno awards in 2000. This was an attribute that Show gained organically, an ode that lives through her and her father. Though, Show is new to the game, freshly releasing her first single "Best is Yet To Come" her attitude hunger to shine through goes unnoticed. 

Here you will get a deeper understanding of what she brings to the table.

                  Photography by Patrizia Godina

Interviewer: Your first debut single "Best is Yet To Come" being released, how are you feeling right now?

Show: Nervous, excited, all of the above. I'm scared to be honest. 

Interviewer: What was the process of you recording the song and the birthing process of this track?

Show: This song, I started to record it, back in April 2020 when the pandemic just started. I just left my moms house, I was couch surfing in between my friends homes, and I was like "you know what, I gotta make this music thing happen, no matter what cost." And, I sat down in my friends living room at like 3, 4 A.M, and I started writing. I found a beat on youtube and then I just started writing the first line. 

Interviewer: Typically, I'm sure you do some re-working, with the lyrics and stuff, how long did it really take you for you to fully settle with this track and know that it was finished? What was the specifics with your satisfaction?

Show: So, the funny thing is, the song was written in April 2020. But, that was the first verse and the first chorus. The song was finished August 2021 when I got accepted into the "Honey Jam" program. The funny thing is I auditioned this track with the first and second verse, the full song was not written. And, I got in the program because they asked us to sing, you know. And, when I got into the program, I was like "oh my god, I have to finish this song" So, that week I was panicking. Then, I went to the studio and I said I need to finish this song. So, with Darryl Riley, with New Nu Entertainment, we sat down, we wrote the rest of the song. And, it was kind of a battle, back and forth, cause I was like I need to tell the story properly of what happened to me and why I feel this way and why the best is yet to come. 

Interviewer: Is that where the song title came from? What made you decide on that title?

Show: It was originally called "On My Own" because that was how I felt. But, "Best is Yet To Come" was something that I had hoped for. That was in a nutshell how my overall message was that, no matter what you go through, the best is yet to come. Rather than, on my own. 

Interviewer: Are you happy with this being your first debut single?

Show: I am completely content. This is the first time I'm stepping on the scene. It's really just me saying "hi, I'm Rachelle Show, this is where I came from, this is what I had to go through, and this is my song." So, here I am, let me introduce you to me, and my story. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Photography by Patrizia Godina

"I felt betrayed, I felt lost, and I said no matter what I'm going to make it. That's where the first verse and bridge came from."
Rachelle Show, 2022.

Interviewer: You gotta tell the people, cause when you told me your name was Rachelle Show, I was like that is a hella interesting name, and what a stage name. And, you were like, "no, no, that's my actual name." So, tell the people the backbone of that name!

Show: My dad, his name is Dominic Show. He was a Juno Award winning artist back in the 90's. He legally changed his name to Show, to fit his artist name. That's how the Show clan started. Because, he had kids and I just adopted the name obviously. So, now I'm Rachelle Show. And, it's the legacy I stand on. Carrying on the Show name. 

Interviewer: You're going to keep that name, right?

Show: 100 percent.

Interviewer: Has anyone tried to tell you otherwise?

Show: Yes. They've said "It's not something that would be catchy, it's not something that would stick." But, when it came down to it, it was because they didn't know it was my real last name. They thought I just came up with it. 

Interviewer: In terms of the future of your career, would you change it?

Show: In the past, I would have said whatever, done whatever it takes. But, now that I understood the meaning, did my research, and this is the values that I stood on. There's absolutely no way that I would change my name. It is who I am, makes me who I am, and it's going to have to be a huge F you. I'll make it on my own. I've made it this far, right? there's only up to go. 

Interviewer: Being in your fathers generation in the 90's, being in a different time frame you had to be a little more costumed to be with a label. Do you think artists today, such as yourself, have to be with a label?

Show: Absolutely not. There has been so many demonstrations that you can either do it on your own, create your own path. There's always the benefit of hopping on a label and there's always that kind of fast-tracked pace, in a sense. But, you don't forget, that you still have to work hard, so, why not do it on your own and have majority of your profits to yourself and your team. 

Interviewer: Do you follow any other independent artists that you admire?

Show: I think I have to go with Steven Zaire. Because of his story, his perseverance. He always made a point to let me know that people are going to doubt you, no matter what. People will be the last to see you, and clap for you at the end of your show. And, they'll always talk down. But, you have to consistently prove them wrong. Unfortunately, it sucks, but it is what it is at the end, it feels so much better. 

 Photography by Patrizia Godina

"Your demeanour is everything. What you give, is what they're gonna take. You have to stand your ground, communicate what you want. I'm still learning that, with the demeanour and boundaries that I set."
Rachelle Show, 2022.

Interviewer: Following in your dads footsteps, are there any expectations that you have within yourself to that family tie?

Show: In the beginning, one hundred percent. I think that hindered my growth a lot because I needed it to be perfect. Because, it's my dads name that's attached to it. It's his legacy that I need to carry on. But, that was actually the thing that hindered me for so long. Just because it can be perfect, and it can be perfectly, imperfect. I kinda had to learn to take off the leash and all of those burdens on my back that you know, my fathers watching me and I'm his daughter, I'm his blood. No matter what success, and whatever path I choose, I'm going to succeed, and he is going to be proud. So, a lot of those affirmations that had to be instilled in me, but, I am his daughter. but, this I'm not him and this is not his career. 

Interviewer: To end this off, what story are you trying to tell, for "The Best is Yet To Come"?

Show: My message is that, for all the women out there, who feel like they aren't enough, who feel like they can't make it on their own, no matter what, as long as your focused, you stand your ground, you can always make it. And, when I decided to leave my house and be on my own, that was a layer of my security that was gone. And I said, you know what, I'm gonna make it in this world by myself. I don't care what I have to do, or who I have to go through, I'm gonna do this on my own. And, it's always common or it is thought of that women can't really make it on their own, they either have to turn to an abusive partner or someone who is wealthy. There are people who took their story, their struggles, turned it around and made it into art. And, this is what I want to communicate to women that the best is yet to come no matter what situation you're going through.

You can now listen to "The Best is Yet To Come" by Rachelle Show on all platforms. 

Written by Patrizia Godina.



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